
Overview of healthy breeding of microecological agents

Date:06-19  Hits:  Belong to:USER CASES
Microecological agents are biological agents or viable agents made by using normal microbial components and their metabolites or growth promoters in animals through special processing processes such as culture, fermentation, drying and processing, according to the theory of animal microecological balance, microecological imbalance, microecological nutrition and microecological prevention and control. It was earlier called probiotics and probiotics, also known as microecological agents in China. It was named DFMs (direct feed microorganisms) in the United States, and it was named microbial agents by the European Commission. Microecological agents promote the health of animals by improving the intestinal microecological balance, promote the digestion and absorption of nutrients, stimulate the production of interferon, improve the concentration of immunoglobulin and the activity of macrophages, enhance the humoral and cellular immune functions of the body, and enhance the resistance of the body. Microecological agents are also conducive to reducing the emission of harmful gases and other harmful substances in livestock and poultry feces, protecting the ecological environment and maintaining the ecological balance. At present, it has been widely used in animal husbandry< br style="font-family: "sans serif", tahoma, verdana, helvetica; font-size: 12px; white-space: normal;"/> 1. Action mechanism of microecological agents
Microecological agents enter the body mainly through the formation of some substances and the change of intestinal microflora. Its mechanism of action is quite complex, and the research progress in theory is relatively slow. At present, the research on its mechanism of action is mainly based on the "microecological equilibrium theory", mainly including the following aspects< br style="font-family: "sans serif", tahoma, verdana, helvetica; font-size: 12px; white-space: normal;"/> 1.1 dominant flora theory
Normal microbiota plays a decisive role in the whole intestinal microflora. In the micro ecosystem composed of normal microbiota, livestock and poultry body and environment, a few dominant populations play a decisive role in the whole species. Once the dominant population is lost, it will cause microecological imbalance. The use of microecological agents can supplement or restore the dominant population, so that the maladjusted microecology can reach a new balance. Under normal circumstances, there are a large number of microbial flora in the intestinal tract of animals, among which the beneficial flora that can effectively promote animal growth and feed digestion is mainly composed of specialized anaerobic flora such as bacillus, fungi, Enterococcus, Campylobacter anaerobic, Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium< br style="font-family: "sans serif", tahoma, verdana, helvetica; font-size: 12px; white-space: normal;"/> 1.2 biological oxygen capture theory
The dominant microbial population in the intestines of livestock and poultry is anaerobic bacteria. When some beneficial aerobic probiotics (such as Bacillus) enter the intestines, they consume oxygen in the environment in the process of growth and reproduction, resulting in an anaerobic environment, which is conducive to the growth of anaerobic bacteria, while aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria decline, so as to adjust the imbalance of flora to a normal state, so as to achieve the purpose of disease prevention, treatment and growth promotion< br style="font-family: "sans serif", tahoma, verdana, helvetica; font-size: 12px; white-space: normal;"/> 1.3 biological antagonism
Also known as biological barrier theory, also known as chimerism. Normal microbiota are orderly colonized in the mucosa or cell epithelium to form the body's defense barrier, while harmful bacteria can only play a toxic effect on the body if they are colonized in some sites of the mucosal epithelium. These microorganisms can competitively inhibit pathogenic microorganisms from adhering to intestinal mucosal epithelial cells and compete with pathogenic microorganisms for nutrients and ecological sites, thus preventing the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms to a certain extent. Biological oxygen capture theory the beneficial aerobic microorganisms in the microecological agents are colonized in the organism. Consuming the oxygen in the environment can reduce the concentration of local oxygen molecules, which is conducive to the colonization, growth and reproduction of obligate anaerobes, while the aerobic and facultative anaerobes are reduced, so that the intestinal microbiological balance returns to normal, so as to achieve the purpose of disease treatment. Some microecological agents contain aerobic Bacillus cereus and Bacillus subtilis, which are not the main members of the normal flora and cannot be colonized in the intestinal tract for a long time, but can quickly consume oxygen and rapidly reduce the pH, which is conducive to the growth of bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus< br style="font-family: "sans serif", tahoma, verdana, helvetica; font-size: 12px; white-space: normal;"/> 1.4 "three flow cycle" hypothesis
the three flow cycle is the cycle of gene flow, energy flow and material flow. Microbial agents can become non-specific immune regulatory factors, enhance the phagocytic capacity of phagocytes and the ability of humoral cells to produce antibodies. In addition, they can also inhibit the excessive growth of corrupt microorganisms and the production of toxic substances, promote intestinal peristalsis, and maintain the integrity of mucosal structure, thus ensuring the gene flow, energy flow and material flow in the micro ecosystem Normal transportation of. The main ways are as follows< br style="font-family: "sans serif", tahoma, verdana, helvetica; font-size: 12px; white-space: normal;"/> 1.4.1 enhance the immune function of the body and resist infection: normal flora is of great significance to stimulate the formation of immune organs. Studies have found that the lymphoid tissue of sterile animals is underdeveloped, lymphocyte function is low, plasma cell formation is blocked, and immune memory time is shortened. Microecological agents can be used as non-specific immune regulators to stimulate host immune cells through bacteria themselves or cell wall components to activate them, which can effectively improve antibody immunity and the activity of macrophages. Stimulate the body's humoral immunity and cellular immunity, and enhance the body's immunity and disease resistance< br style="font-family: "sans serif", tahoma, verdana, helvetica; font-size: 12px; white-space: normal;"/> 1.4.2 produce beneficial metabolites: (1) produce various enzymes. Hotten (1998) reported that beneficial microorganisms can produce a variety of digestive enzymes in the body. They play a synergistic role with enzymes in the body in the process of digestion, which is conducive to the degradation of protein, fat and complex carbohydrates in feed and improve the conversion rate of feed; (2) Synthesize nutrients and promote growth. Beneficial microorganisms grow and propagate in the intestine and can produce various nutrients, such as vitamins, amino acids, unknown growth promoting factors, etc., which participate in the metabolism of the body and promote the growth of animals; (3) Lower intestinal pH. Beneficial microorganisms, especially lactic acid bacteria, produce lactic acid after entering the intestinal tract. Bacillus can produce volatile fatty acids such as acetic acid, propionic acid and butyric acid after entering the intestinal tract of animals, reduce the pH value of the intestinal tract, inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria, activate the activity of acid protease, and also facilitate the absorption and utilization of mineral elements calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin D. However, sogard (1990) pointed out that the significance of pH change in the intestines of mature livestock is not obvious, but only for newborn piglets; (4) Reduce the production of harmful substances and improve environmental sanitation. Some substances produced by beneficial microorganisms can neutralize enterotoxins produced by pathogenic bacteria. Some beneficial microorganisms (Bacillus) can produce amino acid oxidase and sulfide decomposition enzymes in the intestine, so as to reduce the concentration of ammonia, indole and other harmful gases in blood and feces and reduce the odor of feces. At the same time, the reduction of harmful substances can maintain intestinal epithelial cells in a better absorption state, reduce the renewal rate of intestinal epithelial cells, and reduce the maintenance needs of animals< br style="font-family: "sans serif", tahoma, verdana, helvetica; font-size: 12px; white-space: normal;"/> 2. Main strains commonly used in current animal microecological agents
2.1 lactobacilli (Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus plantarum, etc.)
There are more than 10 genera and 100 species of lactic acid bacteria. Lactic acid bacteria can produce a large number of organic acids, bacteriolytic acid and peracetic acid in the metabolic process, which has a strong bactericidal function, inhibit the reproduction of harmful bacteria and inhibit the decomposition of organic matter; A variety of amino acids produced in metabolism, synthetic vitamins (VB1, VB2, VB6, VB12, VC), add nutrients to animals, help digestion and absorption of food, promote host metabolism, G take the process of corruption, decompose and transform harmful substances, and ensure the normal and healthy physiological state of animals; It can stimulate the immune cells in the intestine, increase the number of local immune antibodies, induce the secretion of immunoglobulin A, and improve the immunity and disease resistance of animals< br style="font-family: "sans serif", tahoma, verdana, helvetica; font-size: 12px; white-space: normal;"/> 2.2 bacillus (Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus cereus, Bacillus natto, etc.)
Aerobic bacillus can consume oxygen in the intestine, reduce the concentration of local oxygen molecules, inhibit the reproduction of harmful Escherichia coli and Salmonella, and the bacteriocin and hydrogen peroxide produced in its metabolism also have a strong killing ability to harmful bacteria; Inhibit the growth of spoilage bacteria, thereby reducing the production of ammonia and amine harmful substances; Amino acids, vitamin B family, growth promoting factors and various enzymes (protease, amylase, lipase, etc.) in metabolites provide nutrition for animals, help digest food, and greatly improve the conversion and utilization of feed; In the rumen of ruminants, it can decompose cellobiose and provide nutrition for animals; And improve immunity and disease resistance< br style="font-family: "sans serif", tahoma, verdana, helvetica; font-size: 12px; white-space: normal;"/> 2.3 enterococci (Streptococcus faecalis, Streptococcus urinarius, Streptococcus avian, Streptococcus avian, Streptococcus lactis, etc.)
it can produce acetic acid, formic acid, antagonize pathogenic Escherichia coli and Salmonella, maintain the proportion of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria in the intestine, and regulate the balance of flora; it can also produce VB1, VB2, VB6, VB12, VC and other vitamins. 2.4 yeasts (beer yeast, Candida prion, etc.) At present, there are more than 500 kinds of yeasts known. Yeasts are symbiotically cultivated with fungi and bacteria, and their metabolites are rich in protein and vitamins, which are effective nutrients for animals; It can also produce active substances that promote cell division, which is conducive to the growth of lactic acid bacteria and actinomycetes; Improve the immunity and disease resistance of animals; It can also produce VB1, VB2, VB6, VB12, VC, amino acids and a variety of enzymes. Yeast and its metabolites can be used as regulator of animal feed, starter of roughage, nutrient and therapeutic agent after treatment, and can partially replace the application of antibiotics< br style="font-family: "sans serif", tahoma, verdana, helvetica; font-size: 12px; white-space: normal;"/> 2.5 Bifidobacterium
At present, more than 30 species of bifidobacteria are known, among which Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium brevis, Bifidobacterium infantum and pseudobifidobacterium are the most used
2.6 photosynthetic bacteria
Photosynthetic bacteria can produce sugars, amino acids, vitamins and other bioactive substances in metabolism. After these substances are used by animals, they can promote the growth and development of animals and improve the conversion and utilization rate of feed; Improve the immunity of the body; It can also purify water and breeding environment, use solar energy or ultraviolet light as energy, and use organic matter and harmful gases as matrix to purify water quality and soil quality. Because photosynthetic bacteria can directly use the organic matter, ammonia nitrogen and hydrogen sulfide in the water, remove ammonium nitrite in the water through denitrification, and decompose the residual bait and feces in the pond. Photosynthetic bacteria reproduce in water and release enzymes, which can inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria< br style="font-family: "sans serif", tahoma, verdana, helvetica; font-size: 12px; white-space: normal;"/> 2.7 filamentous fungi
Filamentous fungi can produce amylase, protease, cellulose decomposing enzyme, etc., which can decompose organic matter, promote the transformation and decomposition of feed nutrients, and improve the utilization of feed by animals< br style="font-family: "sans serif", tahoma, verdana, helvetica; font-size: 12px; white-space: normal;"/> 3. Application of microecological agents in pig industry
3.1 improve feed conversion rate and production performance
some beneficial bacteria in probiotics can produce a variety of digestive enzymes (some enzymes are not found in livestock and poultry) , which can promote the digestion and absorption of nutrients by pigs, improve the feed conversion rate, and thus reduce production costs. Li Jixiang and other researchers have shown that adding compound enzyme preparation, microecological preparation and enzyme preparation + microecological preparation compound to the diet of early weaned piglets can improve the daily gain and feed conversion efficiency of piglets to varying degrees, and reduce the occurrence of diarrhea in piglets, and adding 0.2% enzyme preparation + 0.2% microecological preparation compound has the best effect. Li Xiaojun et al. Showed that adding microecological agents to the diet had a significant effect on feed intake and weight gain of weaned piglets (p< 0.05). Huang Xingguo et al. Showed that adding 0.1% microecological agents to the diet of growing pigs, the average daily feed intake and average daily gain of growing pigs tended to increase (p> 0.05). Ma Yuchang et al. Added 8% microecological agents to the diets of weaned piglets with similar production periods. The results showed that the average daily gain of head in the experimental group increased by 12.90% compared with the control group, and the difference was significant; The feed weight ratio decreased by 7.20% compared with the control group, and the digestibility of crude protein and crude fiber increased by 7.32% and 11.47% respectively, with significant difference. Zhangshuiou et al. Added 0.1% microecological agent to the diet of Du Chang ternary hybrid pigs to improve the production performance of growing finishing pigs, and their daily gain during the growth period could be increased by 11.51%, with a significant difference (p< 0.05), and the feed weight ratio decreased by 4.76%; In the finishing period, the daily gain increased by 10.32%, the difference was significant (p< 0.05), and the feed weight ratio decreased by 3.49%; The daily gain of the whole period increased by 10.89%, the difference was significant (P < 0.05), and the feed weight ratio decreased by 4.11%. Su HaiYan's research results are consistent with them. The daily gain of the test group is significantly higher than that of the control group (p< 0.05), the daily intake is higher than that of the control group, and the feed meat ratio is lower than that of the control group. Ped reported that Bacillus subtilis preparation could increase the weight gain of growing pigs by 6%~7% and feed remuneration by 3%~4%. He Mingqian, Qiao Shaoquan, Chen Daiwen, Luo Anzhi and Hu Weiyi (1989-1994) passed the test of 1357 suckling piglets with Bacillus additive 870la. The effect of adding 0.15% was the best. The daily gain was 19.2% - 22.8% higher than that of the control group, and the feed utilization rate was 6.3% - 23.5%< br style="font-family: "sans serif", tahoma, verdana, helvetica; font-size: 12px; white-space: normal;"/> 3.2 maintain the balance of intestinal flora and reduce the diarrhea rate
The reasonable use of microecological agents can better regulate the intestinal flora of animals, maintain the balance of intestinal flora, and have a good inhibitory effect on harmful bacteria. It has a significant effect on reducing the diarrhea rate, preventing piglet diarrhea, alleviating weaning stress and improving the survival rate of piglets. Sun Xianwen added 0.10% and 0.15% of Lactobacillus from pigs to the basic diet. Compared with the control group, the number of intestinal tract in the Lactobacillus from pigs group increased significantly (p< 0.01); The number of Escherichia coli decreased significantly (p< 0.01), and the total number of bacteria increased significantly (p< 0.01). Huang Xingguo et al. Added 0.1% probiotics to the diet of growing pigs, the number of Escherichia coli in the feces of growing pigs was significantly lower than that of the control group (p< 0.05), and the number of lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria increased, but the difference was not significant (p> 0.05); The diarrhea rate decreased by 4.94%, with a significant difference (p< 0.01). Huang Junwen et al. Showed that the addition of Bacillus natto to the feed of early weaned piglets could significantly reduce the early diarrhea rate of piglets (p< 0.05). When Bacillus natto was combined with mannan oligosaccharide in a low dose, the daily gain of piglets in the early stage of the test was significantly higher than that of the control group and mannan oligosaccharide group (p< 0.05), and the diarrhea rate of piglets was significantly lower than that of the control group and mannan oligosaccharide group (p< 0.05). Tang Wei et al. Took microecological agents orally to sows and piglets on the basis of using genetic engineering multivalent vaccine of piglet yellow and white diarrhea to sows, which had a good preventive effect on piglet yellow and white diarrhea; After yellow and white dysentery in piglets, it has a good therapeutic effect to take probiotics orally to sows and piglets. Bai Lijie et al. Showed that the use of probiotics could significantly prevent the occurrence of yellow and white diarrhea in piglets, reduce the incidence rate by 82.14% (p< 0.01) compared with the control group, and significantly reduce the mortality of piglets (p< 0.05). Zhu Wanbao et al. (1999) used four strains of Bacillus cereus and Streptococcus faecalis to make a composite microecological agent to feed 35 day old weaned piglets for 20 days. Compared with the control group, the diarrhea of piglets was reduced, the weight gain was increased by 19.6%, the feed was saved by 15.22%, and the economic benefit of each piglet was increased by 5.96 yuan< br style="font-family: "sans serif", tahoma, verdana, helvetica; font-size: 12px; white-space: normal;"/> 3.3 improve the quality of animal products
studies by Tong Jianan and others have shown that microbial agents (including lactobacillus, Bacillus subtilis, Lactococcus and other effective living bacteria) are added to the basic diet of pigs It can improve the slaughtering rate and lean meat rate of fattening pigs, with bright red muscle color and better pork quality. Wu maisheng et al. Added 4% compound microbial additive to the diet of Du Chang ternary hybrid piglets, the daily gain, feed meat ratio, lean meat rate, cooked meat rate, muscle crude protein, total amino acid content and other indicators of the test group reached or were better than those of the control group, and the residues of lead, arsenic and copper in muscle were lower than the national industry standard (NY 5029-2001 pollution-free food pork), and the pork was high-quality and nutritious. Zouzhiheng et al. Added 4% pollution-free additives (including probiotics) to the basic diet of Du growing piglets, and added 4% premix containing antibiotics to the control group. Results compared with the control group, the experimental group significantly increased the slaughtering rate, eye muscle area and lean meat rate, reduced backfat thickness, and increased carcass length; Compared with the control group, the pH and flesh color scores of the test group were significantly improved, the water loss rate and dripping loss were significantly reduced, and there was no significant difference in marbling grade scores; The meat quality test results of the test group fully meet the NY 5029-2001 standard< br style="font-family: "sans serif", tahoma, verdana, helvetica; font-size: 12px; white-space: normal;"/> 3.4 improve the ecological environment and reduce environmental pollution
Cleveland et al. Reported that lactic acid bacteria degrade the products of harmful microorganisms by competing for limited microbial nutrients and inhibit the growth of harmful microorganisms; Bacillus subtilis can produce amino oxidase, amino transferase and sulfide decomposing enzyme in large intestine, completely oxidize indole compounds from odor source, and oxidize sulfide into odorless and non-toxic substances, so as to reduce the concentration of harmful gases in blood and feces, reduce the amount of emissions to the outside world, and improve the feeding environment; Ammophiles can digest the free ammonia (amine) and indole and other harmful substances in the intestine, inhibit the activity of E. coli, and the live bacteria contained in the excreted feces can digest the remaining ammonia. When Li Chunli and others sprayed 0.25% microecological agents in the diets of sows and their piglets, the odor of the pigsty in the whole experimental group was reduced and the environmental conditions were improved. Spraying EM Fermentation Broth around the pigsty in Huangping can remove the stench of feces and urine, reduce flies and parasites, improve environmental sanitation, and comprehensively treat the environment inside and outside the pigsty. Li Wenchun and others found that after the duyo binary hybrid finishing pigs were fed with microecological agents (including lactobacillus, bacillus and photosynthetic bacteria), the concentrations of NH3 and H2S in the pig houses of the experimental group were very low, which were 7.85 and 2.81 mg/m3 respectively. The odor of urine and feces in the houses was significantly reduced, and there was a slightly fermented lactic acid smell, which improved the environment of the pig houses< br style="font-family: "sans serif", tahoma, verdana, helvetica; font-size: 12px; white-space: normal;"/> 3.5 enhance the immune function of the body and prevent diseases
Chen Daiwen et al. Found that probiotics plus Acidifiers, probiotics plus oligosaccharides or the combination of the three significantly improved the blood IgG level and lymphocyte transformation rate, and acidifiers and probiotics had a significant interaction effect on improving the blood IgG level of weaned piglets. Huang Junwen et al. Showed that when Bacillus natto was combined with mannan oligosaccharide in a low dose, the levels of cd3+ and cd4+ in the serum of piglets were significantly higher than those in the control group (p< 0.05), and the content of MDA was significantly reduced (p< 0.05), and the activity of GSH PX was significantly higher than that in the mannan oligosaccharide group (p< 0.05), which could improve the immune and antioxidant functions of piglets. The research results of Wang Xinyan and others show that microecological agents have a certain therapeutic effect on the prevention of highly pathogenic porcine blue ear disease and on the infected pigs< br style="font-family: "sans serif", tahoma, verdana, helvetica; font-size: 12px; white-space: normal;"/> 4. How to use microecological agents in healthy pig breeding
4.1 select brand products
At present, there are many animal microecological products in the market, with inconsistent standards, unstable quality and poor effect. The quality of microecological products produced by different production enterprises varies greatly. Some farms report that using microecological agents is the same as not using them, which has little effect. Some enterprises have simple production processes, poor fermentation technology, vacuum drying technology and microencapsulation technology, extremely low number of live bacteria and high miscellaneous bacteria. They flaunt product quality under various flags and seize the market at low prices. The majority of farmers must carefully investigate and distinguish between good and bad. Choose brand enterprises with good reputation, strong innovation ability, high scientific and technological content and good after-sales service to purchase products, so as not to affect the healthy development of the breeding industry and cause significant economic losses< br style="font-family: "sans serif", tahoma, verdana, helvetica; font-size: 12px; white-space: normal;"/> 4.2 handle the use of probiotics and antibiotics
the correct use of animal microecological agents can improve the self immunity and disease resistance of animals, and reduce the use of antibiotics or do not use antibiotics in pig production. However, in case of major animal epidemics, or inadequate biosafety measures, unreasonable and unscientific immune prevention procedures, targeted use of some high-quality antibiotics is also necessary. However, when using antibiotics, avoid contact with animal microecology If the preparation is used at the same time, it is generally better to interval 3 ~ 5 days. Do not use it with disinfection drugs (such as drinking water disinfection) and insect repellent drugs at the same time, so as not to affect the use effect of microecological agents< br style="font-family: "sans serif", tahoma, verdana, helvetica; font-size: 12px; white-space: normal;"/> At present, drug-resistant probiotics have been screened and can be used in combination with antibiotics. However, when choosing products, we must carefully investigate the product quality and production enterprises, clarify the true and false, and don't be credulous, so as to avoid being cheated. The development of drug-resistant strains is mainly caused by the transfer of drug-resistant plasmids and selective inhibition of drugs. Plasmids exist in bacterial cells and are a kind of genetic material with self replication ability that can stain in vitro. Plasmids that dominate drug resistance are also called R factors, and plasmids with multiple drug resistance are also called multi resistance plasmids. R factor can not only transfer drug resistance to the same kind of cells, but also to different species and different genera of cells. If the special chemical structure of cells affects the penetration of drugs, the drug resistance will not be transmitted to each other, and this drug-resistant strain can be combined with antibiotics; If the resistance is controlled by R factor, in order to avoid the proliferation of drug-resistant strains, such drug-resistant probiotic strains should not be combined with antibiotics< br style="font-family: "sans serif", tahoma, verdana, helvetica; font-size: 12px; white-space: normal;"/> 4.3 animal microecological agents can be used with vaccines
Animal microecological agents can be used in combination with various vaccines for pigs, that is, microecological agents are added to the feed for continuous feeding 5 days before the vaccination of pigs, and then fed continuously for 5 days after the vaccination, which can significantly produce antibodies 2 days in advance, and can increase the antibody level by 1 ~ 3 drops, so that pigs can produce antibodies quickly, have high antibody levels, prolong the duration of antibodies, and effectively reduce immune stress reactions< br style="font-family: "sans serif", tahoma, verdana, helvetica; font-size: 12px; white-space: normal;"/> 4.4 according to the different stages and micro
Special functions of ecological agents choose different products. The functions of animal microecological agents produced by enterprises are not exactly the same. There are special types. For example, microecological agents for pigs include suckling pigs, piglets, fattening pigs, backup sows, sows, etc. we must select different microecological agent products according to the different age groups of pigs and their needs, It can play its function more effectively, ensure the healthy growth of pigs, and achieve the desired effect< br style="font-family: "sans serif", tahoma, verdana, helvetica; font-size: 12px; white-space: normal;"/> 4.5 the effect of early application of microecological agents is better
According to the preconceived theory, probiotics are imported first to occupy the intestinal site, so as to reduce or prevent the colonization of pathogenic bacteria. For example, the use of probiotics after birth, probiotics first occupy the site in the intestine, can effectively prevent the occurrence of animal digestive tract diseases. The best time to add animal microecological agents is before or after pig herd transfer, transportation and various stress factors, and the recovery period after pig disease, pregnancy and before and after farrowing< br style="font-family: "sans serif", tahoma, verdana, helvetica; font-size: 12px; white-space: normal;"/> 4.6 dosage of animal microecological agents
The probiotic effect of probiotics is achieved through a series of physiological activities of beneficial microorganisms in animals, and its final effect is closely related to the amount of probiotics added. The number of probiotics is not enough, and they cannot form the advantage of flora in the intestine, so it is difficult to play a probiotic role. If the number of probiotics is too large, exceeding the amount of bacteria required to occupy the intestinal attachment point and form a dominant flora, not only the efficacy will not increase, but also cause unnecessary waste. At present, there is no unified regulation on the number of probiotics required by each animal. German scholars believe that the content of live bacteria added with probiotics in piglet feed should reach (0.2 ~ 0.5) × 107 / (g feed), each g feed added to the fattening pig feed should contain 106 bacillus, and the treatment effect can be achieved by applying 0.5 ~ 0.6 g per day. The content of Lactobacillus should not be less than 107 /g feed, and 0.1 ~ 3 g per dayGenerally, the addition amount is 0.2%. The quantity of probiotics is insufficient, and its production of enzymes, organic acids and metabolites is insufficient, which affects the use effect.
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